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I currently use Firefox on Win XP sp3 and am preparing to install Win 7 which must be a clean install. I have a complete backup of the computer but I will need to reinstall all apps. I found the 'Backup Book marks to HTML' though I'm not sure it if also works for the toolbar websites. The password manager seems to only import from IE or Safari with no 'Export' Are there files/folders or a profile that I can simply copy from my backup to Win 7? I would prefer not to have to manually enter all my saved logins if possible.


1 Page Chemicals Subject to TSCA Section 12(b) Export. Notification Requirements (Current as of May 27, 2016) All of the chemical substances appearing on this list are subject to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) section 12(b). Set access and modify permissions for 'extension/exportimport' (for OC 3.x or later) or 'tool/exportimport' (for OC 2.x or earlier) That's it! You should now see the Export/Import tool under the menu System Maintenance Export / Import (for OC 3.x or later) or under the menu System Tools Export / Import (for OC 2.x or earlier). Call the exportitem method for each item you want to export. And finally call the finishexporting to signal the end of the exporting process. Here you can see an Item Pipeline which uses multiple Item Exporters to group scraped items to different files according to the value of one of their fields.


This extension for Thunderbird adds to the addressbook the following features:
- makes available from the addressbook all the records of the contacts (ex. address, country);
- adds to the context menu some items to copy quickly the addressbook data
- lets you to edit a contact as new, from the context menu;
- gives the possibility to import and export a single contact or a list;
- gives the possibility to import and export in vCard and vcf format;
- adds an extra tab with the birthday date, the spouse name (from 0.3 version), the last modified date and the category (from the 0.3.5 version);
- possibility to modify the labels of the 4 custom fields of the contact card (from 0.3.1 version) and associate them with vcard fields (from version);
- possibility to import/export the addressbooks in the native format (file mab);
- possibility to recover a corrupted addressbook or deleted contacts (from 0.3.7 version);
- possibility to copy the card data from the contacts panel, with the context menu (from 0.3.7 version);
- possibility to have a fixed width for columns, with a horizontal scrollbar. Note: with this option enabled, the vertical scrollbarcould not work properly and you could be forced to use the mouse wheel or keyboard (from 0.4 version);
- possibility to edit some properties in multiple contacts with just one action (from the context menu or clicking ctrl-0);
- possibility to search contacts also with 'Category, Notes, BirthYear' fields (from 0.4.1 version);
- possibility to associate a photo to contact (from 0.5 version - EXPERIMENTAL);
- option to have phone numbers like 'callto' links (from 0.5 version);
- possibility to link files to the contacts (from 1.0b1 version);

Options available just for TB3 or higher versions:
- added 10 extra custom fields;
- new options to add to the addressbook from the main window the recipients of a message;
- possibility to choose, per identity, addressbooks for addresses autocomplete.

From the 0.3.4 version you can manage the import/export functions also from Tools --> Actions (for contacts, lists, addressbooks).
For import/export you can use a text file, with a own format generated by the extension, with 'thm' extension (for lists) and 'tha' extension (for contacts), or you can use the vCard format (just for contacts).
The vCard format is a standard one and so it's more adapt to exchange informations with others applications; the 'tha' format is more useful if you must copy contacts from Thunderbird to Thunderbird.
The exported file has the name of the list or the contact, but the special characters (for ex. the accented ones) are replaced by the character '+'. Anyway you can have the original name, choosing this option from preferences panel.

Opening a vCard from command line: from version you can open a vCard from command line with the following syntax:
Linux --> thunderbird -vcf
MacOSX --> thunderbird-bin -vcf
Windows --> thunderbird.exe -vcf

from the 0.3.3 version this support gives the following features:
- open a vCard file in the new contact window (choose 'Open vCard' from the context menu)
- import directly one or more vCards or also a vcf file with inside multiple vCards (choose 'Import vCard/vcf' from the context menu or from Tools --> Actions for contacts)
- send directly a contact as vCard attachment (from 0.3.4 version)
- export a contact as vCard (choose 'Export as vCard' from the context menu, after select a contact Tools --> Actions for contacts)
- export all the contacts of an addressbook or a list as vcf file with inside multiple vCards (choose 'Export as vcf' from the context menu or from Tools --> Actions for addressbooks/lists after select an addressbook or a list)
These new features should allow to import/export with Palm Desktop and make easier the import/export of addressbooks from a Thunderbird to another Thunderbird.
From version, there is also an option 'Export as vcf (for Ipod)', that will produce a vcf file with multiple contacts inside, without blank line between them.
The import/export of large vcf files can take also several minutes.
The extension can export in vCard 2.1 and vCard 3.0 (default) format; can import both vCard 2.1 format and vCard 3.0 format.
By default the extension exports using, if necessary, the UTF8 encoding; if you want to import these vCards in programs that don't hanlde correctly this encoding (for ex. some versions of Outlook), you can choose from preferences panel, under 'Format and encoding', the option 'Quoted-Printable and native encoding' (present from version).
From the 0.3.1 version you can modify the labels of the 4 custom fields in the contact card. To do this, you must click on Tools --> Labels for custom fields, in the addressbook window.
You can copy from the context menu the home/work address with the american format, choosing this option from the preferences panel.
Photo support: from 0.5 version the extension supports also - experimentally - photo for each contatct. Photo is associated with contatct first according to email address; if this is missing, according his/her name. For the moment, the extension DOESN'T resize photos, so I suggest you not use photo with high resolution, to avoid that program becomes slow.

Advanced management of 'Category' field:from 0.5.7 version, you can have a new advanced management of the field 'Category'. First of all, there is a list of predefined categories, that can be displayed clicking on the icon near the 'Category' field. Moreover it's possible add/remove/assign one or more categories in collective mode.
If you choose the 'Advanced' view in preferences, you'll have eight separate fields, instead a unique one; these fields can autocomplete the input, based on the categories list predefined by the user.
Adobe illustrator cc 2020 24 1. For the correct working of all these options, it's necessary that categories are separated by the correct separator character (default character for this is the comma).

vCard export and charset: if you don't use the 'Quoted-Printable' format, from the 0.5.8 version it's possible to export contacts as vCard choosing the charset; by default the charset is UTF-8 e this is usually the best choice. Anyway some Microsoft programs are not able to handle this charset properly and this can cause some troubles with some characters. As workaround you can now use the charset WINDOWS-125X (the X stands for a digit from 0 to 8, according to the area).
It's possible to add other charsets for export, modifying the preference 'morecols.vcard_export_charset_list'.
From version it's possible for import to set a specific charset o set it manually, when the charset is not present in vCard code. By default it's used UTF-8 and I suggest to change it just if it doesn't work properly.
It's possible to add other charsets for import, modifying the preference 'morecols.vcard_import_charset_list'.

The extension has the italian, english, slovak, hebrew, czech, french, polish, spanish, dutch, german, portoguese, russian, hungarian, norwegian, ukrainian, chinese , swedish, slovenian, finnish locales. If you are interested in traslating the extension in other languages, please do it through Babelzilla project.

1) TB alpha 3 has added native support for 'Birthday' field. To be sure about compatibility with this, it's important that the birthdate is insert always with numbers only.
2) When you import a contact from a vCard, a generic address is connected by default with the home address. If you prefer to connect it with the work address, select this option in preferences panel.
3) The 10 extra custom fields available in the versions for TB3 or higher are accessible through the property 'MFFABcustomX' (where X is a number from 1 to 10), of nsIAbCard object. N.B.:these extra fields can be used just on local addressbooks, not on remote ones (LDAP).

Choose addressbooks for addresses autocomplete: from 0.6.2 version, you can choose, per identity, addressbooks for addresses autocomplete.
You can do this from Account settings --> Compose and addresses --> Addressbooks for addresses autocomplete --> Edit or, in the compose window, for the current identity,from Tools --> Addresses autocomplete.
This should work also for LDAP addressbooks, but it's been tested just with locale ones.

Mov converter pro 6 5 15 download free. Incompatible extensions: SJCall (because of a SJCall bug)

Changelog 0.7 version (TB 3.0 or higher):
- possibility to import contacts from a CSV file, with more flexibility than the built-in function;
- improved the options panel;
- fixed some bugs with Thunderbird31;
Changelog 0.7.1 version (TB 3.0 or higher):
- fixed some bugs in functions related to the lists;
Changelog 0.7.2 version (TB 3.0 or higher):
- compatibility with the autocomplete system used by Thunderbird 38;
Changelog version (TB 3.0 or higher):

File List Export 2 4 0 3

- fixed a bug with the search bar in addressbook main window;
Changelog 0.7.3 version (TB 3.0 or higher):
- changing the value of the preference 'morecols.category.advanced_view_box' (min=1, max=6) you can have more fields for categories in advanced view;
- fixed some bugs;<>Changelog 0.7.4 version:
- fixed some compatibility problems with Thuderbird 45;
Changelog version:
- fixed a regression that broke filter in main addressbook window;

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- fixed some minor bugs;
Changelog 1.0b1 version:
- compatibility with Thunderbird 52;
- possibility to link files to the contacts;
Changelog 1.0b2 version:
- better compatibility with Thunderbird 52;
Changelog 1.0b3 version:
- fixed some bugs;
Changelog 1.0b4 - 1.0b5 - 1.0b6 version:
- compatibility with Thunderbird 59;
- fixed some minor bugs;
Changelog 1.0b7 version:
- fixed a bug with languages other than IT and EN;

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- too old localizations removed;
Changelog 1.0b8 version
- compatibility with Thuderbird 60.

Download MoreFunctionsForAddressBook - 1.0b8 version (TB 14 - 59)

Doyourdata appuninser 4 3 0. Download MoreFunctionsForAddressBook - 1.0b3 version (TB 3 - 13)

File List Export 2 4 0 3 Draw The Equal Groups

Download MoreFunctionsForAddressBook - version (TB 1.0 - 2.0)

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